kanalB  Summit assault G8 Genoa 2001 editions edition10: Genoa g8 summit 2001


short-docu  // german  // 1,5 Min  // 11.07.2001  // Hits: 116
the finance markets - interview with Prof. Dr Elmar Altvater.

the tobin tax is one that the nobel prize winner James Tobin , (Yale University), invented. it ensures that all international movements of capital are taxed by 0.1% to 0.25%. this tax should stabilize the finance markets. the proceeds are supposed to go into humanitarian projects and environmental protection.

on kanalB edition no_10: Genoa g8 summit 2001
more clips: G8 Genoa 2001
more information: www.polwiss.fu-berli.../altvater/index.html
Team: kanalB

G8 Genoa 2001
kanalB no_10:

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