demonstrations // german // 8:10 Min // 03.10.2015
// Hits: 591
please translate the description: 20.000 Menschen demonstrierten in Wien für mehr Menschlichkeit und Respekt angesichts der vor Krieg fliehenden Menschen, die weiterhin in Österreich eintreffen. Umso wichtiger ist dieses Zeichen, da durch die am 11. Oktober anstehende Wahl Rechtspopulisten mit billiger Hetze und dem Schüren von Ängsten auf Stimmfang sind.
On the 10th Anniversary of the Bologna Declarations, 47 ministers of education met at the Hofburg in Vienna. The Bologna process is a political project aiming at creating a single European Higher Education Area by 2010 and putting the economic usability of degrees in the center of attention. Students from many countries formed a large demonstration, moving from the Western Train Station to the Hofburg, to ... more |
length: 4:41 min
| date: 11.03.2010
| video-hits: 910
Once again, the time has come. About 450 people gather in remembrance of the formation of the FPOe-OeVP coalition government in 2000. The Thursday demonstrations had been going on for over two years, but when the government was cofirmed in office after the reelection (2002), most activists were disenchanted (see "..."). Since then, protest rallies take place on `jubilees´ only. As last year, we attended and asked ... more |
length: 6 min
| date: 22.02.2006
| video-hits: 1.063
workers" day of action" - this year"s motto of the traditional social democrat party"s labour day rally. what exactly made it a day of action was left to the phantasy of the curious onlookers. from our perspective, a promenade along Ring Street, supported by numerous marching bands, can hardly be qualified as a very militant action.
due to sunny weather, not only social democrat ... more |
length: 6:30 min
| date: 01.05.2005
| video-hits: 601