short-film // german // 7:27 Min // 19.10.2009
// Hits: 649
please translate the description: 18.10.2008: Staatsbegräbnis für Jörg Haider Unter zehntausenden Trauergästen, VertreterInnen der extremen Rechten, des Klerus und des Militärs trafen wir 3 AntifaschistInnen, die als einzige Kritik am posthaiderischen Zustand formulierten.
Every year 25.000 people in Great Britain get arrested without proceedings because they are not able to provide a stay permit. |
length: 02:29 min
| date: 01.10.2008
| video-hits: 1.205
15 - 30 August 2008, A day without detention. There are several appointments for decentralised days of action in Bielefeld, Magdeburg, Münster, Mannheim, Neuss, Büren, Neumünster, Rendsburg and Kiel. |
length: 2:28 min
| date: 12.08.2008
| video-hits: 523
Florian L., Axel H. und Oliver R. were arrested after they allegedly tried to set fire on military trucks, made by MAN-AG in Brandenburg/Havel. The same day, Andrej Holm was arrested and flats and places of employment of three others were searched. The constructions that are intended to justify the accusation „Membership of a terrorist organization according to §§129a StGB (‚militant group (mg)‘).” are as ... more |
length: 7:00 min
| date: 01.04.2008
| video-hits: 3.189
On the occassion of the EKH house party in the year of 2007 the first Favoritner Tall Bike Jousting was held on Viktor-Adler-Mark, in the heart of the 10th municipal district of Vienna. A great sportive occasion, showing top athlets of this yet young sport, documented by the team "k&o". |
length: 9:58 min
| date: 14.08.2007
| video-hits: 2.565
please translate this description: Der 15minütige Film zeigt die Ereignisse und Diskussionen rund um den 11./13. Februar 2006 in Dresden. Zu sehen sind eine geschichtliche Einleitung, die antifaschistische Demonstration " Destroy the Spirit of Dresden " , die Brückenblockade und die dazugehörigen Auseinandersetzungen mit ... more |
length: 15 min
| date: 13.02.2007
| video-hits: 11.436
A young girl wakes up in a backyard without the consciousness what had happened. Attempting to include what was going on, the girl notices that her clothes are disrupted, her body shows crushes and abrasions. Finally she has to confirm her suspicion that something awful had happened to her. |
length: 11,2 min
| date: 24.11.2006
| video-hits: 1.181
"Fremd" is a story about a Man from Kongo and an Austrian woman, which are preparing themselves for an interview at the aliens’ police. With the aid of a protocol they want to get sure that their relation ship will be regarded like a "normal" and warrantable one. In doing so they have to challenge what "normal" means in a relationship. What do I have to know about my Partner and ... more |
length: 8,03 min
| date: 23.11.2006
| video-hits: 3.662
please translate this description: Alle wollen irgendwas. Die einen mehr Geld, die anderen mehr Reichtum, andere wiederum ein abgesichertes Leben, oder mehr Ruhm...
Die Wünsche sind unterschiedlich, aber eines haben die Menschen in diesem Kurzfilm gemeinsam: den Weg zum Ziel.
Die Konsequenzen sind jedoch nicht immer für ... more |
length: 6,19 min
| date: 08.11.2006
| video-hits: 1.262
To Lock-on to the rails in order to stop a nuclear waste transport must be well prepared. This film shows in detail what materials to use und how to prepare and organize the whole action. Special attention is being payed to the dangers and how to avoid them. |
length: 15 min
| date: 31.10.2006
| video-hits: 5.129
please translate this description: Am 1. Jänner 2006 trat in Österreich eine Fremdenrechtsnovelle in Kraft. Diese beinhaltete nicht nur eine massive Verschlechterung der (rechtlichen) Situation von binationalen Paaren, sondern führte vor allem in den ersten Monaten auch zu großer Verunsicherung bei Betroffenen wie befassten NGOs. ... more |
length: 37,4 min
| date: 22.10.2006
| video-hits: 2.552