6 kamerateams waren fuer kanalB in Berlin unterwegs um die geschehnisse festzuhalten. in diesem jahr zeichnete er sich dadurch aus, daß die polizei ein kinderfest am mariannenplatz stuermte und anschliessend eingekesselt wurde. durch den film führen statements von prof. wolf-dieter narr (FU-Berlin) der als demobeobachter dabei war und in dieser funktion auch sehr unsanft von der polizei verhaftet wurde. ... more |
length: 30 min
| date: 01-05-2001
| video-hits: 6.248
11:00 01.05.2001
interview with an "87er". note: "87er" are people who were at the mayday demo in 1987, as the police were chased out of Kreuzberg. |
length: 1,15 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 402
the demo goes through the Oranienstrasse |
length: 0,15 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 324
19:00 30.04.2001
the traditional walpurgis night women's demo, against the patriach and for multi-sexuality. |
length: 0,33 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 2.163
10:30 01.05.2001
the nazis arrive in Hohenschoenhausen, form a group and march off. At the meeting point, a survivor of the Shoah. |
length: 1,40 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 606
11:00 01.05.2001
speaking choirs, nazis gather together. amongst them Tommy Wosch off Radio Fritz. |
length: 0,46 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 1.005
11:45 01.05.2001
the nazis march |
length: 1,09 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 439
13:00 01.05.2001
interview with a resident about police violence; "don"t hit me, I live here". activists make up slogans against corporate companies. |
length: 0,53 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 268
14:20 01.05.2001
the demo goes from Lausitzer Platz to Oranienstrasse, where the revolutionary demo is heading in their direction from Oranienstrasse. |
length: 1,27 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 184
14:30 01.05.2001
the demo goes in the direction of Kottbusser Tor. |
length: 0,17 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 211
14:40 01.05.2001
the demo comes around the corner. |
length: 0,22 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 248
14:45 01.05.2001
along the demo |
length: 0,19 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 225
14:50 01.05.2001
demo against rapists and patriach, with wife |
length: 0,10 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 184
14:55 01.05.2001
"more democratic, than the constitution allows >
www.totalitaer.de > " up with the international solidarity" |
length: 0,12 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 199
15:00 01.05.2001
a few thousand people wander aimlessly between Lausitzer Platz, Oranienplatz and Kottbusser Damm. the revolutionary may day demo goes from Oranienplatz via Goerlitzer Bahnhof und Wienerstrasse to Kottbusser Damm. |
length: 0,59 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 190
16:00 01.05.2001
end of the forbidden demo |
length: 0,46 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 469
16:30 01.05.2001
a sit-in is dispersed by the police. |
length: 1,21 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 382
17:30 01.05.2001
arrests, bus stops smashed up, water cannons, cars tipped over, Mariannenplatz party cleared. first police intervention. |
length: 2,34 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 1.360
17:58 01.05.2001
an episode of the demo |
length: 0,39 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 261
17:55 01.05.2001
an ice cream seller running from the water cannons. |
length: 1,28 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 356
18:08 01.05.2001
water cannon use at the Mariannenplatz. |
length: 0,39 min
| date: 01.05.2001
| video-hits: 829
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