eine internationalistische ausgabe, diesmal mit beitraegen aus Hebron, Berlin, Chicago und Florenz. die themen reichen von sozialabbau bis kriegspolitik und wieder zurueck, es geht aber darin immer um das konkrete bemuehen, die negativen entwicklungen die sich zu haeufen scheinen, aufzuhalten und umzugestalten. das gilt sowohl fuer das anti-Hartz buendnis in Berlin, als auch fuer die friedensgruppe in Hebron, ... more |
length: 45 min
| date: 21-01-2003
| video-hits: 1.528
at the beginning of November 2002 the first european social forum took place in Florence. 60,000 activists came to think of another world together. there were mostly socialists present, but also anarchists, theorists, unionists and representatives from NGO"s and left wing parties. at the end there was a huge peace demo with a million participants. |
length: 27 min
| date: 21.01.2003
| video-hits: 298
Berlin, 5.12.02 - 350 people from the employment office in mitte marched from Charlottenplatz to Hermannplatz, to fight against the planned changes to the working conditions under the "Hartz Plans" label.
people are being encouraged to found revolutionary unions.
"we have to all think about new production and consumption forms" said one woman, who had just come from the employment office, because: "this ... more |
length: 4,5 min
| date: 08.12.2002
| video-hits: 353
in Hebron several jewish settler families live, surrounded by 120.000 palestinians. a report about curfews and mothers that migrate because they fear for their children. about women that want to stay because their families have lived there for more than 300 years. about israeli soldiers that feel charity for the palestinien population. a report about the absence of any constitutional legality. |
length: 6 min
| date: 31.10.2002
| video-hits: 3.445
short documentary about war and anti-war statements in Chicago at the beginning of Oktober. Demonstration recordings, interviews, regular"s table talk and two answers to the question, why it is a privilege to be an american. |
length: 10 min
| date: 07.10.2002
| video-hits: 227
eine seite zu hintergrundinformationen in verschiedenen bereichen der globalisierung (privatisierung, bio-politik, repressive aufruestung marktwirtschaft, grassroots globalisierung usw.) aus kanada - '...retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization.'
Herzog Blaubarts burg
vom verschwindenlassen des rechts auf entwicklung (Toni Solo - Znet)
26.08.2004 hits: 11294