kanalB  editions
edition no_33 International Video Network DVDzine
International Video Network DVDzine
Die Idee zu einem «International Video Network DVDzine» ist anlässlich des 6. «Intergalaktischen Festivals des alternativen Bildes» in Brest 2007 entstanden. Es versammelt Beiträge von Videoaktivismus-Gruppen aus Frankreich, Schottland, Irland, Chile, der BRD und Kanada. Vom Überfall auf einen Hähnchenfleischtransporter in einem chilenischen Slum, über die Biogasproduktion von ... more
length: 50 min  | date: 03-10-2008  | video-hits: 2.024
short-film Sums for Beginners
Sums for Beginners
Now which number is bigger? Political beginners learn finding it out.
length: 3:50 min  | date: 01.10.2008  | video-hits: 2.148
short-film Asylum Seekers
Asylum Seekers
Every year 25.000 people in Great Britain get arrested without proceedings because they are not able to provide a stay permit.
length: 02:29 min  | date: 01.10.2008  | video-hits: 1.205
short-docu La Victoria
La Victoria
On 10 December 2006 the Chilenean Ex-Diktator Augosto Pinochet dies. People celebrate in the streets. In a Chilenean slum a chicken meat transporter gets robbed and the meat is handed out to the people.
length: 12:02 min  | date: 01.10.2008  | video-hits: 762
short-film Sun is shining
Sun is shining
Short movie of the video activist group Regarde a Vue that touches the subjects of migration and precarity.
length: 11:07 min  | date: 01.10.2008  | video-hits: 529
short-docu Parents of Irish children
Parents of Irish children
The cildren of migrant inhabitants in Ireland can stay if they are born in Ireland. But their parents are often endangered by detention. Migrants concerned are leading a campaign to defend themselves to be allowed to stay with their children.
length: 4:39 min  | date: 01.10.2008  | video-hits: 145
short-docu Blockade of a supermarket
Blockade of a supermarket
Berlin, 6 June 2008 - The tariff disputes in the retail sector have lasted over one year by now. Striking retail employees and those from social groups block a supermarket store from Reichelt in Berlin. Customers are invited to join in the strike and to not go shopping there on this day.
length: 6 min  | date: 11.06.2008  | video-hits: 3.490
interview The new assault
The new assault
Interview with Ernesto Ledesma about the new repressive offensive of the Mexican state against the Zapatista communities in Chiapas/Mexico. On his tour through Europe Ernesto tells about the threats and repressions of paramilitaric groups and the federal institutions against the communities that have reached a dangerous level. Ernesto Ledesma is research assistant of CAPISE, a NGO that for years has been ... more
length: 7:21 min  | date: 17.04.2008  | video-hits: 1.608
interview What happens in Djibouti
What happens in Djibouti
Interview with Hassan Mokbel und Mohamed Kadamy. Since the independence of Djibouti in 1977 the country was ruled by a dictatorship. At the same time it is an airfield for the French military. Since 9/11 also the USA, Italy, Spain and Germany have military bases in the country on the Horn of Africa. Refugees fleeing to Eritrea or Ethopia are risking their lives when deported back to Djibouti. In Europe the problem ... more
length: 11:34 min  | date: 08.04.2008  | video-hits: 304
nr_35: Many Straws Make A Nest
nr_33: InternatIonal Video Network DVDzine
nr_32: No Border Camp Ukraine 2007
nr_31: G8-TV
nr_30: Territorio pacificado
nr_24: murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
nr_20: no-border camp Cologne 2003
nr_15: Bush in Berlin 2002
nr_13: Argentina 2002
nr_10: Genoa g8 summit 2001
nr_6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000

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