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short-docu  // german  // 1,31 Min.  // 01.05.2003  // Hits: 1.242
while the first cars are being tipped over, a few passers by describe what the first of may means to them. it seems to be a mixture of fun and political commitment. "I am a riot-tourist, I"m here every 1st of may" -elaborated opinions on the subject of violence: "whatever happens, you have to fight your own cowardice."

more clips: Mayday 2003 Berlin
Team: nina / ivo / zen / jens blatt

special no_19 1. mai 2003 in berlin
1. mai 2003 in berlin
der 1. mai war wie jedes jahr seit 1987 volksfest und riot in einem, eine grosse portion systemverdrossenheit gepaart mit hilflosigkeit. der zorn entlaedt sich dann eher blind und zufaellig. obwohl ein gesmashtes autohaus und eine gesmashte bank zumindst auf einen kleinsten gemeinsamen antikapitalistischen nenner schliessen lassen. in der diesjaehrigen doku geht es vor allem darum, wie die menschen auf der ... more
length: 45 min  | date: 04-06-2003  | video-hits: 6.451
short-docu revolution every day
revolution every day
"maybe there will be a revolution in a few years time. but you have to fight for it. every day and everywhere, not just on the first of may." links are forged to the G8 in Evian.
length: 1 min  | date: 03.05.2003  | video-hits: 748
snippet molli
the police retreat back momentarily, due to the molotov cocktails and burning wheelie bins, that are rolling towards them.
length: 1 min  | date: 02.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.411
short-docu on the run
on the run
elderly man describes how he was chased through kreuzberg by the police and raises his voice to say how the police are "a thrown together mercenary troop, who want to let off steam in kreuzberg."
length: 3 min  | date: 02.05.2003  | video-hits: 887
short-docu police work
police work
after two cars are set on fire, the police come to calm the situation down. after a few minutes they have everything under control, even if it doesn"t look like it.
length: 1 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 2.077
short-docu water cannon deployment
water cannon deployment
between 8 and 11pm, Skalitzer- corner Oranienstrasse. long skirmish between adventure thirsty people and three water canons.
length: 0,58 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.300
short-docu riot - muskauer
riot - muskauer
around 22:00, muskauer rd; attack on a sparkasse, several cars are on fire.
length: 1 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.370
snippet cars on fire
cars on fire
Mariannenstrasse, corner Lausitzerstrasse 8pm.
two cars are euphorically thrown over and set alight.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.442
snippet the revolutionary 1st may demo
the revolutionary 1st may demo
at 6pm the demo started at the Rosa Luxemburg Platz, with an Israeli flag, Stroebele and a skater, who hangs off a sump.
length: 2 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 1.230
snippet Kreuzberg
images of the neighbourhood around 7pm. kids and adults playing football, graffiti and shuttered up shops.
length: 1:25 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 518
short-docu interview
"I"m going to walk around discreetly outside, then I"ll sit down and see if its as bad as I fear" a frustrated left winger talking about the 1st May: "because so many lay into each other with totally authoritarian, total incrusted old mottos and don"t even try to move things with political debates..."
length: 0,54 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 238
snippet interviews
at the dgb demo with verdi activists. Demo participant. "the staff went as slaves and dragged the cart out of the dirt." on the cart there are sacks, which symbolically stand for the city"s tasks, from which the senate wants to distance itself.
length: 2,04 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 106
snippet Michael Moore
Michael Moore
a girl with a Michael Moore t-shirt explains why she is demonstrating.
length: 2 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 238
snippet too loud
too loud
the kids in the Manteuffel Rd think the first of may is too loud. and people shouldn"t throw stones at the cars and windows. apart from that they don"t mind the demos, which they think are about
length: 2 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 114
snippet dgb demo
dgb demo
what"s a bank robbery, compared to the foundation of a banking corporation? the anti-Hartz alliance asks itself almost in Brecht fashion. YUCK, YUCK! can be read, and:
soup kitchens instead of trade unions!
for a dgb demo, there is a surprising amount of people in fancy dress and even a marching band.
length: 3,45 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 99
short-docu nazi-demo blockaded
nazi-demo blockaded
the nazi-demo is blockaded for a short time by a little antifa group. the anti-conflict policeman asks the antifa where they were when Saddam gased the kurds.
length: 3 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 986
snippet nazi demo
nazi demo
the nazis march again, relatively unimpeded by the anti-fascist opposition and under police surveillance.
length: 1 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 974
snippet nazis get together
nazis get together
wurst, country cooking and flags
length: 2,10 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 484
nr_35: Many Straws Make A Nest
nr_33: InternatIonal Video Network DVDzine
nr_32: No Border Camp Ukraine 2007
nr_31: G8-TV
nr_30: Territorio pacificado
nr_24: murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia
nr_20: no-border camp Cologne 2003
nr_15: Bush in Berlin 2002
nr_13: Argentina 2002
nr_10: Genoa g8 summit 2001
nr_6: Prague IMF and worldbank resistance 2000

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