| 15 videoclips | comments
Here you find all interviews from 1945 till now.
ERA - European Resistance Archive
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18-06-2008 17:53
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I would have been disloyal to my own convictions, if I hadn’t joined the resistance. My grandfather was jailed in the KUK Empire, Emperor Royal Monarchy of the Habsburgs, because he fought for socialism. My father was jailed because he fought for socialism. It was obvious, that I would work in the same track, therefore would not passively let it wash over me, but work against it. I was not alone and we had ... more |
length: 1:27 min
| date: 18.06.2008
| video-hits: 579
The main Nazis, they hid away; took shelter somewhere. Back then, when the partisans were there. Some of them came back out of their holes the end of May and for a while they were like Stasi (secret police of East Germany), you could say. Again, as time went on they showed themselves as what they were; that they were Nazis. And that told us that they believed us to be the betrayers; and even today the word ... more |
length: 3:17 min
| date: 17.06.2008
| video-hits: 217
You always hat to stick up for yourself and you were never accepted. At the inn you were laughed at or reviled as a betrayer of your home country. My father was playing music at the neighbour’s, when somebody took his trombone and broke it. Then he said: “Go home to Laibach or wherever you belong.” Things like that happened quite often. Or once, when we were at the inn, some youngsters came, about 16-17 years ... more |
length: 4:51 min
| date: 16.06.2008
| video-hits: 113
I don’t know, whether today’s youth can imagine this situation. The war had been going on for five years already, more and more were killed, it got worse and worse. There was no real future for us. But that – it seems to me – made you stronger to go into this resistance and help wherever you could. |
length: 0:40 min
| date: 16.06.2008
| video-hits: 96
There were conflicts as well, because I was a Slovenian. I even had conflicts with other Slovenians. They could not understand why I had so much political interest and why I am for the Slovenes and so on. Well, the disappointment was quite big when the English came and treated us like enemies again, and we weren’t even allowed to go to church without ID and so on. Even the English were quite discriminating. When ... more |
length: 1:59 min
| date: 15.06.2008
| video-hits: 72
Yes, I did have problems because of that. As long as I was healthy, there was nothing; but when I was ill, I started having delusions, bad feelings and fears about people, and when I saw somebody in uniform coming, I used to hide. The Germans were my deadly enemies for a long, long time. It took many years before I had worked out for myself that it weren’t the Germans as such – it were just the fascists. But not ... more |
length: 1:00 min
| date: 15.06.2008
| video-hits: 159
When I came home, I joined (I hadn’t been politically organized before) the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) – you know – that was the association of the social democrats, communists and many independent people. I worked in the ministry occasionally and was temporarily at the SED in Tempelhof as the 2nd secretary (vice-president), later on even as party secretary for a company in
Johannisthal. As a last ... more |
length: 3:05 min
| date: 13.06.2008
| video-hits: 137
Die Errichtung der Gedenkstätte Lichterfelde. Herr de Ruiter erzählt von seiner Tätigkeit als Zeitzeuge. |
length: 2:17 min
| date: 18.07.2007
| video-hits: 383
Im Gespräch erzählt Franz Josef Fischer von der Befreiung Theresienstadts durch die Rote Armee und seine Heimkehr zur Familie. Weiterhin geht es um die persönliche und öffentliche Verarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus und darum, wie er als Schirmverkäufer und Gastwirt ein neues Leben in Süddeutschland beginnt und seine Frau kennenlernt. |
length: 07:54 min
| date: 10.07.2007
| video-hits: 297
Margit Siebner schildert ihr Erstaunen über und ihre Erfahrungen mit der missratenen Entnazifizierung in Deutschland nach 1945. Scheinbar waren alle zum Mitmachen gezwungen worden. |
length: 2:16 min
| date: 20.11.2006
| video-hits: 687
length: 3:34 min
| date: 23.05.2006
| video-hits: 385
„..., aber das andere war viel schlimmer, es waren überall Nazis. In allen Ministerien, in allen Verwaltungen, in allen Ämtern, wo sie hinkamen, waren diese Kerle in hohen Positionen. ...“ |
length: 5:28 min
| date: 10.03.2006
| video-hits: 640
„Von Anfang an wollte ich es schreiben, weil ich der Meinung war, ich hätte eine Verpflichtung als Überlebende, die anderen können ja nicht mehr reden, nicht wahr. ...“ |
length: 4:00 min
| date: 10.03.2006
| video-hits: 532