kanalB  topics Theory
topic Michael Albert

7 videoclipscomments

Michael Albert explains his concept of participatory economics, PARECON.
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team: leroy/zen
latest clip entry: 03-11-2006 09:45 number of medias in topic: 7
interview working class
working class
Political movements often have no economic vision and no class consciousness. The movement against nuclear power has never questioned what the cancellation of nuclear energy meant for the people employed in the nuclear industry. Like more coal energy and more lung diseases. In the movement this perspective is missing absolutely. Many political movements do not adopt the perspective of the working class. That is ... more
length: 7.37 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 2.005
interview Argentina
The problem in Argentina was not state power but the movement internally running out of steam. The people who occupied factories i.e. had not a clear vision of how to organize work differently with equity.
length: 4,47 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 926
interview Overcome TINA
Overcome TINA
We need an economic vision to overcome TINA.
length: 2,05 min  | date: 03.11.2006  | video-hits: 355
interview Passive people
Passive people
The economy affects who we are. It doesn't do to have an economy that produces passive people and a polica, that requires participation.
length: 2 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 632
interview Participatory Planning
Participatory Planning
Unlike as in the planned economy of the real socialism, plans in the modell of the participatory economics are not drawn up by a certain group of people, who stand above the population as an elite, but by the population itself: the workers and consumers plan their activities in a cooperative process of negotiation.
length: 2,28 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 674
interview Participatory economics
Participatory economics
Parecon is a set o key institutions for different economics: remuneration for effort and sacrifice, workers and consumers councils, a selfmanaged decision-making, balanced job complexes instead of a corporated division of labor, participatory planning instead of market or central planning. the claim is that this set of institutional features gives you an economy in wich in the act of doing production, ... more
length: 3,30 min  | date: 02.11.2006  | video-hits: 525
interview Why do we need PARECON?
Why do we need PARECON?
Berlin, 05.10.2006 - Michael Albert from is on tour in Europa and explains the concept of a participatory economics and why we need an alternative model of economy.
length: 2,27 min  | date: 07.10.2006  | video-hits: 646
Was tun mit Kommunismus?
Slavoj Žižek
The young Marx
John Holloway on global labor
Global capitalism and its crisis
Christoph Spehr
Imperialism reloaded?!
John Holloway
working class
Overcome TINA
Passive people
Participatory Planning
Participatory economics
Why do we need PARECON?
Kein Fußbreit den Aliens
von Jürgen Elsässer
19.11.2006  hits: 2229
Im Imperium der Aliens
Wie die Menschen die Erde zurückerobern können Von Jürgen Elsässer
19.11.2006  hits: 2260

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