Berlin, 18.06.2013. Protest against police raid on the refugee camp on Oranienplatz. |
length: 26:27 min
| date: 19.06.2013
| video-hits: 2.531
please translate this description: "Mehr als zwanzig von denen haben mich geschlagen. Ich schrie und schrie aber niemand war da um zu helfen. Sie haben Witze über mich gemacht und gelacht. Sie sagten, es würde niemandem was ausmachen wenn ich sterbe und dass uns die deutsche Regierung nicht mag. "
Am 15. Oktober 2012 ... more |
length: 7 min
| date: 25.10.2012
| video-hits: 862
Deportation threat of Family Lahmar Cherif
Miloud Lahmar Cherif, Algerian, asylum seeker in Germany since 29.12.2009
Olesia „Sarah” Lahmar Cherif, Ukrainian, asylum seeker in Germany since 29.12.2009
BRD, 2012 - On the 03.04.2012, we received a letter from the Ausländerbehörde Schmalkalden-Meiningen, telling us that we have time left till 07.05.2012 to decide to leave Germany ... more |
length: 5 min
| date: 02.05.2012
| video-hits: 200
Film about the racist excesses in Rosarno, Italy, in January 2010. After a demonstration of migrant agricultural labourers, racist villagers started a real "manhunt" against the demonstrators. This lead to the deportation of all of the 1300 migrant farm workers from the village.
The voices, the faces and the stories of seven of the protagonists , have brought to light the conditions of degradation and ... more |
length: 3:41 min
| date: 21.01.2011
| video-hits: 645
The National Council is expected to adopt the bill on the amendment of the asylum and alien law drafted on behalf of the Austrian Minister of the Interior, Ms. Fekter, on November 21, 2009. Lightly recognizable, this leads to another tightening of the law. Detention pending deportation shall be extended and proceedings shall be shortened, thus leading to reduced possibilities for asylum seekers to file ... more |
length: 3:50 min
| date: 20.10.2009
| video-hits: 306
In the frame of our report on the Freundeskreis radiomultikulti and the carnival of cultures, we spoke to Gerhard Müller, editor of the new internet radio station multicult 2.0 at the Junction Bar in Berlin, where the team of multicult 2.0 accomodated itself close to the carnival parade. |
length: 5:20 min
| date: 31.05.2009
| video-hits: 277
Last year, we made a report on Freundeskreis multiculti (see related video). This time, we wanted to know how their battle for the survival of the endangered migrant radio station continued. The Carneval of Cultures in Berlin seemed to be a good opportunity for our update, as radio multiculti had been the Carneval's main media partner in the past and has been replaced by Freundeskreis multiculti this year. 700 ... more |
length: 11:20 min
| date: 31.05.2009
| video-hits: 443
In May 2008, public broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (a member of the German ARD network) announced that one radio station would be closed down at the end of the year in order to reduce costs. Not just any station, but radiomultikulti: One out of
just two stations all over Germany not only broadcasting a multicultural programme with a migrant background, but also being (partly) produced by migrants and ... more |
length: 8:30 min
| date: 13.09.2008
| video-hits: 65
„What's up? What is really going on here?“ was the motto of the 10th self-critical art festival Soho in Ottakring in Vienna's 16th urban district. The United Aliens moved their living room to Yppenplatz right in the centre of Ottakring and asked passersby to openly express their opinions about the festival as well as the Brunnenviertel quarter where it takes place. This is how the present cut together of ... more |
length: 15:25 min
| date: 24.05.2008
| video-hits: 276
Just a few days before X-mas 2007, the minister for the interior decided that Arigona Zogaj (who's family had been deported to Kosovo), will have to leave Austria. The teenager who had publically announced that she would rather commit suicide than be subjected to deportation is just one individual case. However it's a good example for the consequences of the ailing, deficient Austrian asylum policy. It's ... more |
length: 4 min
| date: 15.12.2007
| video-hits: 42
The theatre plays of Tiyatrobrücke, an association founded by Hakan Yavas ten years ago, deal with different migration-related issues, sometimes performed bilingually in Turkish and German. The latest production, based on ascript by Julya Rabinowich, ties with this approach. Four people of different backgrounds are living together, and yet ... more |
length: 11 min
| date: 05.12.2007
| video-hits: 68
Once again, it was about time for another anti-racism demo. Austria has many reasons to offer for such a demonstration, but this time, two incidents were in the center of attention of the activists. Number one: The fate of the Zeqaj family (refugees from Kosovo), esp. of mother Safete who was in custody pending deportation at the time of the demo. And number two: The questionable activities of the action group ... more |
length: 8 min
| date: 17.11.2007
| video-hits: 250
Allthough conservative ministers keep on claiming that marriage is sacred, it's not equally accessible for everyone in Austria. Love ends at the state frontier – at least that's how the interior ministry sees things. "Marriage without borders", an initiative of married partners concerned by the strict regulations, has been protesting against the separation of families for one year, meeting every Wednesday in front ... more |
length: 4:30 min
| date: 18.04.2007
| video-hits: 41
The 3rd. transnational action day against migration control passed Austria widely unnoticed. Apart from some performances, about 350 people met for a demonstration at the deportation prison at Hernalser Gürtel in Vienna. In their demonstration, they demand the legalisation of migrants living in Europe and, more generally, a radical change of migration policies. |
length: 4:30 min
| date: 09.10.2006
| video-hits: 22
Grenzübertritte e.V.
Im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten stehen wir vom Ausländerrecht Schikanierten zur Seite. Wir helfen bei Behördengängen und anderen aktuellen Problemen. In unserer Arbeit sind wir vernetzt mit anderen Initiativen, professionellen Beratungsstellen, AnwältInnen und ÄrztInnen.
Pro Asyl fordert, Fluchtwege nach Europa zu öffnen
Bisher versucht die italienische Regierung und mit ihr die EU alles, um zu verhindern, dass diese Menschen auf europäisches Territorium gelangen und dort womöglich Asyl beantragen könnten. Wenn die Flucht schon nicht verhindert werden kann, sollen die Migranten möglichst nah an ihren Herkunftsländern untergebracht so schnell wie möglich wieder zurück geschickt werden. (telepolis.de)
09.03.2011 hits: 5807
There's no business like deportation business
Dass Abschiebungen auch ein Geschäft sind, weiß man spätestens seit den Deportation Class-Aktionen (siehe Stoppt Lufthansa Abschiebungen) zu Anfang des Jahrzehnts, die auch zur ersten deutschen Online-Demonstration führten. Wie dieses Geschäft konkret auf medizinischer Seite aussieht, hat jetzt der Saarländische Flüchtlingsrat vergangene Woche bei einer Pressekonferenz offengelegt. (Marcus Hammerschmitt, telepolis.de)
13.12.2010 hits: 3766