| 29 videoclips | 14 links | comments
kanalB broadcasted the revolutionary 1st may in Berlin almost live on the internet. here you can find video clips of the walpurgis night and the highlights of the day.
against the flat propaganda in the straight media - for a authentic representation from the right side of the barricades, kanalB replaces conventional television also on the 1st of may.
latest clip entry:
03-05-2003 12:08
number of medias in topic:
"maybe there will be a revolution in a few years time. but you have to fight for it. every day and everywhere, not just on the first of may." links are forged to the G8 in Evian. |
length: 1 min
| date: 03.05.2003
| video-hits: 748
the police retreat back momentarily, due to the molotov cocktails and burning wheelie bins, that are rolling towards them. |
length: 1 min
| date: 02.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.411
a participant takes stock of the situation: "it seems like one day, we won"t even be able to go on the street. then we will have to be home by eight o"clock." he finds it sickening. |
length: 1 min
| date: 02.05.2003
| video-hits: 494
elderly man describes how he was chased through kreuzberg by the police and raises his voice to say how the police are "a thrown together mercenary troop, who want to let off steam in kreuzberg." |
length: 3 min
| date: 02.05.2003
| video-hits: 887
after two cars are set on fire, the police come to calm the situation down. after a few minutes they have everything under control, even if it doesn"t look like it. |
length: 1 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 2.077
between 8 and 11pm, Skalitzer- corner Oranienstrasse. long skirmish between adventure thirsty people and three water canons. |
length: 0,58 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.300
while the first cars are being tipped over, a few passers by describe what the first of may means to them. it seems to be a mixture of fun and political commitment. "I am a riot-tourist, I"m here every 1st of may" -elaborated opinions on the subject of violence: "whatever happens, you have to fight your own cowardice." |
length: 1,31 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.242
to the question why they are here a few demonstators answer by reciting their favorite demo chants: "stop the drivel, throw Schoehnbohm in the Havel" |
length: 1,04 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 562
around 22:00, muskauer rd; attack on a sparkasse, several cars are on fire. |
length: 1 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.370
Mariannenstrasse, corner Lausitzerstrasse 8pm.
two cars are euphorically thrown over and set alight. |
length: 3 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.442
at 6pm the demo started at the Rosa Luxemburg Platz, with an Israeli flag, Stroebele and a skater, who hangs off a sump. |
length: 2 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 1.230
images of the neighbourhood around 7pm. kids and adults playing football, graffiti and shuttered up shops. |
length: 1:25 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 518
the austria telecom is symbolically lain to rest and speech by Walter Baier, chairman of the KPOe. |
length: 1,35 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 129
(...) I hope that it will go off at the strike on tuesday (...)
(...)we hope that the government will be brought to it"s knees some day (...) |
length: 3,09 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 267
with a participant "it won"t get you anywhere, just saying capitalism has to go. what do you want? that is my question: what do you want?" |
length: 0,50 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 180
"all I could see were people covered in blood at the mauerpark yesterday." 14 year olds criticize the police and explain why they take part on the 1st May. |
length: 2 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 433
organizer of the 3pm demo, talking about the resons to go to the streets "we go on the street, to represent our fundamental opposition to the ruling conditions." |
length: 1,15 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 256
"I"m going to walk around discreetly outside, then I"ll sit down and see if its as bad as I fear" a frustrated left winger talking about the 1st May: "because so many lay into each other with totally authoritarian, total incrusted old mottos and don"t even try to move things with political debates..." |
length: 0,54 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 238
at the dgb demo with verdi activists. Demo participant. "the staff went as slaves and dragged the cart out of the dirt." on the cart there are sacks, which symbolically stand for the city"s tasks, from which the senate wants to distance itself. |
length: 2,04 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 106
some are here for traditional reasons, others because the 1st May is the only regular radical left wing happening in Germany. |
length: 1 min
| date: 01.05.2003
| video-hits: 148
aufruf des gegeninformationsbueros
Höchste Zeit für Gegenwehr !
Heraus zum 1. Mai 2003!
In diesem Jahr steht der 1. Mai ganz im Zeichen des
Kriegs gegen den Irak und der Demontage sozialer Errungenschaften. Während sich Millionen Menschen
in aller Welt an den größten Anti-Kriegsdemonstrationen
seit dem Vietnam-Krieg beteiligten, nimmt auch der Unmut und die Proteste gegen den sozialen Kahlschlag zu.
der stand der dinge
info seite ueber den stand der mobilisierung zum ersten mai 2003 in berlin mit kurzanalyse der vertretenen gruppierungen.
aufruf auf antifa.de
Heraus zum revolutionären 1. Mai: Fight capitalist war - Fight capitalist peace!
stressfaktor sonderseite
zuerst sah es so aus, als würde es dieses jahr eine gemeinsame Revolutionäre 1. Mai-Demo in Berlin geben...
was ist geld
arbeit zum begriff "geld" anhand des buches von Helmut Creutz: "Das Geld-Syndrom".
textauszug zum thema militanz aus "empire" von hardt/negri
die FAU zum 1. mai
"Der Berliner erste Mai ist ein seltsames Ritual bei den Linken dieser Stadt"
03.05.2003 hits: 2189
01.05.2003 hits: 2390
live-stream o-strasse
bei www.3ivx.com gibts den passenden codec fuer den quicktime-player. wenn der link nicht funkt: codec installieren > quicktimeplayer oeffnen > FILE > URL in neuem fenster oeffnen > rtsp://stream.kreuzberg.org/oplatz.sdp reinkopieren > OK
01.05.2003 hits: 2531
o-strasse richtung o-platz / kreuzberg
01.05.2003 hits: 2417
naziaufmarsch verhindern
aufruf bei antifa.de
unter 030 - 2756 0756 und 0173 - 107 0626
gibts aktuelle infos zur verhinderung des naziaufmarsch (am 1. Mai, Berlin)
29.04.2003 hits: 2062
EA Ermittlungs-Ausschuss Berlin
Tel. 030 - 69 222 22
Meldet Euch beim Ermittlungsausschuss, wenn Ihr verhaftet wurdet oder Verhaftungen mitbekommen habt. Der EA ist vom 30.4. bis zum 1.5. nachts erreichbar.
29.04.2003 hits: 2187