kanalB  topics Ausserparlamentarische Opposition
European Social Forum 2003

23 videoclips2 linkscomments

from the 12th to the 15th november 2003 the second European Social Forum took place in Paris. 60,000 people participated in 60 plenum talks, 250 deminarsand 200 workshops. it was mainly about ... more

snippet felS (for a left wing current)
felS (for a left wing current)
Berlin, 17.11.03 - Timo Winter introduces the felS (for a left wing current). felS has existed since 1991 in Berlin. he decribes their self image, political areas and current practice. At the ESF felS,along with the ALB (Anti Fascist Left Berlin) tried to activate a co operation of european left wing radical groups.
length: 4:30 min  | date: 17.11.2003  | video-hits: 113
snippet coordination for undocumented immigrants 2
coordination for undocumented immigrants 2
in the second part the representative of the undocumented immigrants talks about the organization and networking of the undocumented-immigrant-collectives and explains their structures of decision-finding.
length: 4 min  | date: 16.11.2003  | video-hits: 56
short-docu coordination for undocumented immigrants 1
coordination for undocumented immigrants 1
Paris, 16.11.03 - a representative of the coordination of the different undocumented-immigrant-collectives in france talks about some aspects of their work, the history of the movement and its structure and size.
length: 3 min  | date: 16.11.2003  | video-hits: 86
short-docu Demo
Paris, 15.11.03 - some pictures of the mass demo at the esf with impressions of the different blocks of the participants (among others undocumented immigrants, Disobbedienti, libertarians).
length: 4 min  | date: 15.11.2003  | video-hits: 101
short-docu ocupation air france
ocupation air france
paris, 15.11.03 - the french flight company Air France deports refugees against their will from France back to their alleged countries of origin. one refugee died on the way. thats why 100 activists occupied the airline office at Champs Elysee for an hour. 200 people supported them from outside.
length: 3:00 min  | date: 15.11.2003  | video-hits: 87
snippet disobbedienti, part 1
disobbedienti, part 1
Paris, 14.11.03 - development from the tute bianche, the disobbedienti"s basic concepts, the influence of zapataism, autonomy project.
length: 6:20 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 115
snippet disobbedienti, part 3
disobbedienti, part 3
Paris, 14.11.03 - current campaignes: work, migration, global war
length: 3:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 48
snippet disobbedienti, part 2
disobbedienti, part 2
Paris, 14.11.03 - structure of the disobbedienti, social basis, decision making process, the speakers" function.
length: 2:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 34
snippet disobbedienti, part 6
disobbedienti, part 6
Paris, 14.11.03 - societal utopia?
length: 1:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 54
snippet disobbedienti, part 5
disobbedienti, part 5
Paris, 14.11.03 - in relation to the ESF
length: 2:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 45
snippet disobbedienti, part 4
disobbedienti, part 4
Paris, 14.11.03 - contact with other groups and parties.
length: 3:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 59
snippet avanti , part 2
avanti , part 2
Paris, 13.11.03 - avanti-undogmatic left wing project.
utopia and significance of a european network
length: 3:15 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 52
snippet avanti, part 1
avanti, part 1
Paris, 13.11.03 - avanti-undogmatic left wing project.
Christoff descibes the organization avanti"s fundamental values, practice and organizational structure. consists of groups in Hamburg, Kiel, Luebeck, Norderstedt and Flensburg.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 14.11.2003  | video-hits: 65
snippet ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 3
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 3
Paris, 13.11.03 - the relations with other trade unions and criticism of them.
length: 2:30 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 21
snippet ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 2
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 2
Paris, 13.11.03 - the repression by the spanish government and the fight for independence in the Basque country.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 29
snippet ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna) , part 1
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna) , part 1
Paris, 13.11.03 - ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna) is a 100 year old trade union in the Basque country. it has 102,000 members, that"s 10% of all employed people in the Basque country. Mikel Noval reports in the first part of the interview about their history, their criticism of conventional unions, their fight against neoliberalism and their cooperation with social movements.
length: 3:30 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 31
snippet Cobas
Paris, 13.11.03 - a representative of the italian basis trade union talks about the structure of the organization, their fields of political activity, the perspective of the anti-globalization movement and their relationship towards the state and traditional trade unions.
length: 5 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 30
snippet rainbow keepers, part 1
rainbow keepers, part 1
Paris, 14.11.03 - rainbow keepers is a radical-ecological movement in Russia. Elina Dragunova reports in the 1st part of interview about it"s history, political code of practice, organization and decision making process.
length: 2:20 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 70
snippet globalisation from below, part 2
globalisation from below, part 2
Paris, 14.11.03 - current political code of practice.
length: 2:30 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 29
snippet rainbow keepers, part 1
rainbow keepers, part 1
Paris, 14.11.03 - current political practice.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 13.11.2003  | video-hits: 51
2 links
nodo50 somos un proyecto autónomo de contrainformación telemática orientado a los movimientos sociales, una asamblea independiente que proporciona servicios informáticos y comunicativos a personas, grupos y organizaciones de izquierda, un servidor de internet en el que confluyen voces antagonistas y alternativas desde un amplio espectro político;
mit einer riesigen linkliste sozialer bewegungen

offizielle ESF webseite die webseite zum esf 2003

Ausserparlamentarische Opposition
Rosa Luxemburg Konferenz 2007
social forum Erfurt 2005
ESF London 2004
Monday demonstrations
PGA conference in Belgrade
austrian social forum
felS (for a left wing current)
coordination for undocumented immigrants 2
coordination for undocumented immigrants 1
ocupation air france
disobbedienti, part 1
disobbedienti, part 3
disobbedienti, part 2
disobbedienti, part 6
disobbedienti, part 5
disobbedienti, part 4
avanti , part 2
avanti, part 1
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 3
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna), part 2
ELA (Eusko Langileen Alkartasuna) , part 1
rainbow keepers, part 1
globalisation from below, part 2
rainbow keepers, part 1
globalisation from below, part 3
globalisation from below, part 1
audio - der gepluenderte sueden
>> ... die geschichte zeigt, dass der sueden immer nur ein instrument des nordens war, die eigene wirtschaftliche entwicklung voranzutreiben. wenn es im sueden dennoch gelegentlich zu gewissen fortschritten kam, so waren sie meist das ergebniss des widerstands gegen diese politik des nordens.<< ( von Yash Tandon ca 6 MB Znet)
31.05.2004  hits: 8548

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