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strike against the pension reforms

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here you can find clips on the pension reforms in Austria, beginning with the sj's march on the 30.4.2003. further clips include the oegb demo and strike at Siemens, in which a worker explains that the ... more

short-docu demo against pension theft
demo against pension theft
a protest march against pension theft and interceptors takes place in Vienna.
"because i"m fed up with the hypocritical politics of the blue-black government anyway..."
length: 1,05 min  | date: 14.06.2003  | video-hits: 131
snippets strike at siemens
strike at siemens
at siemens in Vienna work was also put on hold today.
a worker explains that the government only implements the WTO plans and that striking is the only way to change anything.
length: 1,05 min  | date: 03.06.2003  | video-hits: 70
snippets security
cleaning forces, messengers and page boys protest in front of the doors of the fancy viennese hotel.
only the security has a problem with it.
length: 2,10 min  | date: 03.06.2003  | video-hits: 159
short-docu hospital staff demo
hospital staff demo
approx 200 people walked through Vienna with hospital beds and wheel chairs today.
a nurse explains why they are on strike.
length: 0,43 min  | date: 03.06.2003  | video-hits: 72
short-docu superman is on strike
superman is on strike
approx 1000 people demonstrated today in Vienna against the government"s planned pension reforms.
despite large numbers of participants and the readiness to fight in the businesses, the union leaders try to keep the protest small.
length: 2,41 min  | date: 01.06.2003  | video-hits: 89
snippets ÖGB - demo
ÖGB - demo
Vienna, the final demo takes place with nearly 200,000 participants (source: ögb) under the pouring rain at the heldenplatz.
"I"m a year away from retiring and now it will cost me 15% of my pension, it"s obscene."
length: 2,40 min  | date: 14.05.2003  | video-hits: 96
snippets oegb - demo 2
oegb - demo 2
"stronger measures are needed (...) there need to be more militant actions, and they should flow together to become a full strike."
length: 2,06 min  | date: 14.05.2003  | video-hits: 72
snippets oegb - demo
oegb - demo
a part of the demo makes it"s way from the westbahnhof to the heldenplatz.
"because I think what is planned there is a catastrophe"
length: 2,25 min  | date: 14.05.2003  | video-hits: 109
snippets works meeting
works meeting
in the course of the ögb demo a public works meeting of the disabled and social care services takes place in the mariahilferstraße.
length: 1,35 min  | date: 14.05.2003  | video-hits: 43
snippets solidarity song
solidarity song
a teacher sings a song he has composed himself about solidarity in front od the uni in Vienna.
"the pensions are cut back, radically, does the official want a sweetie? and again they want to spilt us up in the battle, but this time we say no!"
length: 5,11 min  | date: 07.05.2003  | video-hits: 110
snippets education strike, vienna
education strike, vienna
approx. 300 people, (mainly students), gather at the westbahnhof to march to the uni. "because I don"t want my lessons to be cut by 2 hours (...) she, (Minister Gehrer), could help us by buying curtains instead..."
length: 1,55 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 82
snippets health strike, Vienna
health strike, Vienna
the public health staff are also on strike. "because we want to express that the infirmaries, who are normally the last to strike because they are a vital institution, will take a leading role, so the others pluck up courage and follow."
length: 2,44 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 26
snippets education strike 2, Vienna
education strike 2, Vienna
a demonstration led by students also goes from the karlsplatz/resselpark in direction of the uni
length: 1,55 min  | date: 06.05.2003  | video-hits: 54
short-docu 1st may in Vienna
1st may in Vienna
(...) I hope that it will go off at the strike on tuesday (...)
(...)we hope that the government will be brought to it"s knees some day (...)
length: 3,09 min  | date: 01.05.2003  | video-hits: 267
short-docu torchlight procession, Vienna
torchlight procession, Vienna
the socialist youth group, 30.04.03

this year"s torchlight procession of Vienna"s socialist youth group took place with the motto "no peace for the war"; however, the planned pension reforms and the strike on the 6th May are on everyone"s minds.
length: 2,27 min  | date: 30.04.2003  | video-hits: 135
oebb strike
demo against pension theft
strike at siemens
hospital staff demo
superman is on strike
ÖGB - demo
oegb - demo 2
oegb - demo
works meeting
solidarity song
education strike, vienna
health strike, Vienna
education strike 2, Vienna
1st may in Vienna
torchlight procession, Vienna
großdemo gegen pensionspläne
laut polizei mehr als 100.000 teilnehmer auf dem Heldenplatz - kundgebung verlief lief trotz hagelsturms planmäßig (dS)
13.05.2003  hits: 1714
demo gegen pensionsraub und sozialabbau
demo aufruf des austrian social forum für den 13. mai 2003 (asf)
07.05.2003  hits: 1830
streik in Österreich
gegen die geplante pensionsreform, morgen dienstag im ganzen bundesgebiet. (dS)
05.05.2003  hits: 1872

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