| 8 videoclips | 1 link | comments
1.11.2003 - 100.000 people demonstrate in Berlin against social cuts. the representatives of the unions are seen nowhere. a good day.
latest clip entry:
06-11-2003 16:48
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1.11.2003, Berlin - People from all walks of life attended the demo on the 1.11.2003 against social cutbacks. From unemployed academics to enginieers to pensioners - on the outskirts of the demo different trade union activists explain why their colleagues have to be active in their own interest despite a trade union leadership "infiltrated" by the SPD. |
length: 3 min
| date: 06.11.2003
| video-hits: 153
1.11.03 Berlin - Final demonstration. Prof. Rainer Roth, sociologist, draws attention to international connections. The international competition, for which salaries and pensions are cut and working hours are prolonged in Germany, will not bring the promised prosperity to the people. It will definately lead to further wage dumping in other countries. -Different activists explain why workers have to fight for ... more |
length: 2 min
| date: 03.11.2003
| video-hits: 760
1.11.03 Berlin - A pensioner thinks that more has to happen. Mag Wompel from LabourNet Germany, the "virtual meeting point for the trade union Left", is pleased that the banners are hand painted, i.e, that the demo is union led and takes to the streets without waiting for leadership. |
length: 2 min
| date: 02.11.2003
| video-hits: 141
1.11.03 Berlin - the member of parliament Stroebele comes to the final rally at the demo against social cut backs and tries to create understanding for the cutbacks, which are to be "as socially just as possible". |
length: 3 min
| date: 02.11.2003
| video-hits: 88
1.11.03 Berlin - demonstration against the social cut backs. interview with an activist from the "friends of the classless society". |
length: 2,4 min
| date: 02.11.2003
| video-hits: 83
1. 11.03 Berlin - resistance against the dismantling of the welfare state. 100, 000 (!) people demonstrated today for more social justness and generally for new politics. thats five times more participants, than the organizers had expected. a FAU activist talks about his political views. |
length: 3,52 min
| date: 01.11.2003
| video-hits: 162
1.11.03 Berlin - a ver.di activist is optimistic that the protest against the agenda 2010 will work- "we managed to get rid of the GDR!" - another demonstrator is there out of concern for her grandchildrens" futures. |
length: 3 min
| date: 01.11.2003
| video-hits: 103
Visit to the demonstration bureau "against social cutbacks". Laura v. Wimmersperg talks about the mobilisation and the reasons for the demonstration. |
length: 2 min
| date: 01.11.2003
| video-hits: 70
arbeite fuer essen
”schnalle deinen guertel enger noch ein loch - es geht ja, es geht ja, es geht ja immer noch -, erst denkt man, es geht nicht und dann geht’s doch” ((Ernst Busch) Andrea Noll - Znet)
25.08.2004 hits: 3014
am 01.11. 03
grosse demonstration gegen sozialabbau in Berlin
07.10.2003 hits: 2364