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musicvideo  // german  // 4:59 Min  // 20.02.2006  // Hits: 22.610
HipHop Video on the Cologne District Porz.

more clips: migration and deportation
Team: vegaz video production

musicvideo Mayday 2011
Mayday 2011
please translate this description: [...]willst du, musst du, sollst du, darfst du arbeiten / darfst du hier leben, kannst du überleben / von dem scheissdreck etwas bisschen das dir zur verfügung steht / oder musst du überlegen, woher du was zum essen kriegst[...]
length: 2:21 min  | date: 06.04.2011  | video-hits: 434
musicvideo Unsa Haus - Our house
Unsa Haus - Our house
Many housing projects in Berlin are in danger of eviction and displacement. Since April there is a new campaign - "Wir bleiben alle - We stay all." To support the campaign we made this solidarity video. We stay all! It's our house!
length: 3:51 min  | date: 23.04.2008  | video-hits: 4.130
musicvideo Berlin 2070: Everything is going to be alright!
Berlin 2070: Everything is going to be alright!
revolte springen rocks

[...] Time and again left wing houses and other projects are endangered, gentrification and privatisation are taking over. To oppose the dark future presentiments we created a vision and put it in a song: Berlin 2070, everything is going to be alright!
length: 5:34 min  | date: 27.02.2008  | video-hits: 3.885
musicvideo RFID Song
"Users, there's trouble ahead
I said users, it is totally sad
But users, the future lies in your hand,
Cause it's all about surveillance" - With these words the RFID song of the band monochrom begins. This is the first live act which was held at the 23C3 (23rd Chaos Communication Congress) in Berlin in December 2006.
length: 3,54 min  | date: 29.01.2007  | video-hits: 2.254
musicvideo Ladyfest at EKH
Ladyfest at EKH
Ladyfest is a feminist platform with the aim to break and undermine a dual gendersystem, following the principle of selfempowerment and explicitly including queer, unconventional and transgender ladyz. Ladyfest wants to destabilize the heterosexual norm and step over (gender-) borders.
length: 3,15 min  | date: 11.11.2006  | video-hits: 674
musicvideo Ladyfest at Tüwi
Ladyfest at Tüwi
Berlin. Madrid. Malmö. Bielefeld. Stockholm. Neapel. Dresden. Kopenhagen. Zürich. Lublin. Göteborg. Mannheim. Brighton. Wien. And more. In 2005 about twenty Ladyfests were organized all over Europe. This video was made at the Ladyfest Vienna 2005 at Tüwi.
length: 2,44 min  | date: 11.11.2006  | video-hits: 438
musicvideo g8-tv trailer
g8-tv trailer
On up-to-date videoclips of the protests against the conference will be presented every day. A team of translators will provide subtitles in several languages. Additionally there will be a live online newscast from 2 – 8 June daily at 21.00 CET, which resumes the happenings of the day and lets studio guests have their say.
length: 2:04 min  | date: 01.09.2006  | video-hits: 3.167
musicvideo Wovon lebt der Mensch
Wovon lebt der Mensch
please translate this description: Punkinterpretation von Berthold Brechts "Wovon lebt der
Mensch". Das "volXtheater favoriten" führte in den Jahren 1994/1995 die Drei Groschen Oper im Ernst Kirchweger Haus (Wien) auf.
length: 3:26 min  | date: 25.08.2006  | video-hits: 2.722
musicvideo monitored
please translate this description: Zwei schrullige Wachbeamte haben sich das Ziel gesetzt, ihren Kleingarten so sicher wie möglich zu machen.
Ein Videoclip der Wiener Hip Hop crew Wiespät.
length: 3,42 min  | date: 31.03.2006  | video-hits: 3.724
musicvideo themensektion lebensabend und kontrolle
themensektion lebensabend und kontrolle
please translate this description: ein kritisch-süffisantes couple der vier rüstigen pensionärinnen von
monochrom, dargeboten bei der big brother awards gala 2005 im wiener
rabenhof theater.
'Wenn wir wo Überwachungsgerätschaften sehn dann hau ma mit dem Holzstecken drauf und wanns as ersetzen, weil sie nix ... more
length: 9,02 min  | date: 30.10.2005  | video-hits: 2.371
Mayday 2011 - noch zu warten ist wahnsinn_eng
Unsa Haus_eng
Berlin 2070: Alles wird gut!_eng
RFID Song_eng
Ladyfest im EKH_eng
Ladyfest im Tüwi_eng
g8-tv trailer_eng
Wovon lebt der Mensch_eng
Koeln Porz Deadline_eng
themensektion lebensabend und kontrolle_eng
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