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snippets  // german  // 2,11 Min  // 14.01.2004  // Hits: 95
Vienna 14.01.2004 - in the Audimax at Vienna uni a student meeting takes place to discuss actions against the impending organisation chart. the chart shows, amongst other measures, a drastic reduction in the student"s right of co-determination.
a student criticizes the current work of the austrian students union, he is bothered by the "party politics" that go on and he talks about the possibility of a strike.
the next student meeting will take place on the 15.01.2004.

more clips: students protests in Vienna
more information:
Team: torben / flo

snippets Ute Bock Cup 2011
Ute Bock Cup 2011
please translate this description: mit 20 Fußballteams, Kinderecke, creative tribune, Küche...
und der Nino aus Wien, Esrap, [dunkelbunt] & The Secret Swing Society (DJ Set) Texta Soundsystem (DJ Set), Sugar B, Glamboys live, Lost in Bass, DJ Pantalon DJ Tirana feat. Knarrrz!
Gegen Ausgrenzung und Fremdenhass! ... more
length: 0:40 min  | date: 08.05.2011  | video-hits: 198
snippets Ute Bock Cup 2009
Ute Bock Cup 2009
please translate this description: Der Verein Flüchtlingsprojekt Ute Bock braucht Geld. Das ist leider schon lange keine Neuigkeit mehr. Weniger bekannt ist der FC Bock Shooters, ein gemischtes Fußballteam bestehend aus Asylwerbern unterschiedlichster Provenienz. Den Shooters fehlt es an so gut wie allem – eine Parallele zur ... more
length: 0:32 min  | date: 10.05.2009  | video-hits: 1.798
snippets Japanese Nationalists
Japanese Nationalists
After the Peace Walk a bus of Japanese Nationalists on a propaganda tour through Sapporo passes a group of G8-activists. The bus gets stopped by them.
length: 01:51 min  | date: 05.07.2008  | video-hits: 15
snippets Tramway Party
Tramway Party
On 12 April 2008, during the international days of action for squats and autonomous spaces activists celebrated a party in a tramway in Vienna. A Bimparty is a kind of festivity in public transport. Taking the motto "Conquer open spaces, all for all" it was aiming to motivate people in the tramway, by means of nice interventions, to collective action. Drinks were served and snacks offered.
length: 0:40 min  | date: 17.04.2008  | video-hits: 1.103
snippets Dykemarch 2005
Dykemarch 2005
Dyke March was introduced as an alternative form of activism by lesbians who were dissatisfied with the mostly commerzialized and often unpolitical Pride Parades. During Ladyfest Vienna 2005 "lesbians, dykes, bi-women, boychicks, grrrls, lesbian moms, lesbianas femmes, butches, transwoman, androgs, queer woman, sororitygirls with pearls who are sleeping together,..." celebrated themselves in the streets.
length: 1,27 min  | date: 11.11.2006  | video-hits: 281
snippets Thinking & Thanking
Thinking & Thanking
please translate this description: Wie jedes Jahr fand am Heldenplatz das sogenannte Erntedankfest, eine Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung der ÖVP und des Bauernbundes (der dieses Jahr übrigens 70 wird) statt. Nach der Segnung des anwesenden Klerikers, des Dompfarrer von St. Stephan, der vom Denken und Danken sprach und der ... more
length: 4,30 min  | date: 10.09.2006  | video-hits: 283
snippets racism kills
racism kills
The situation of dailiy life for a lot of people in this country - like everywhere in the EU - is coined by daily arrests and deportations, racist and brutal police harassment, restrictive laws and every day racism in nearly every sphere.

We want to call up for a rude and loud demonstration against ruling racistic conditions :

Friday, 9 th of June in Vienna
meeting point: 4 pm ... more
length: 1,20 min  | date: 19.05.2006  | video-hits: 1.443
snippets QUASI Trailer
QUASI Trailer
please translate this description: QUASI, ein Magazin von und, konzipiert für den offenen Kanal in Wien (Okto), ist 30 min. lang und läuft monatlich auf Okto. Die Themen reichen von gesellschaftspolitischen Aktionen und Berichten, über Konzertmitschnitte bis hin zu Kunst der anderen Art.
Die ... more
length: 0,90 min  | date: 19.04.2006  | video-hits: 55
snippets Working conditions at Nestlé Colombia
Working conditions at Nestlé Colombia
April, 1. 2006, Bogotá - Nestlé Colombia is being accussed of precarious working conditions. A representative of "lawyers united for workers' rights" describes the worsening of working conditions and drastic reduction of wages in the past 10 years.
length: 3 min  | date: 02.04.2006  | video-hits: 2.304
snippet manifestation
13.12.2005, Hongkong - Several hundred people protest against the politics of the WTO . An activist from the Philippines explains that the developing countries can not compete with the highly industrialised countries.
length: 3 min  | date: 13.12.2005  | video-hits: 10.552
Ute Bock Cup 2011_eng
Ute Bock Cup 2009_eng
Japanische Nationalisten_eng
Dykemarch 2005_eng
Denken & Danken_eng
Rassismus tötet_eng
QUASI Trailer_eng
Arbeitsbedingungen bei Nestlé Kolumbien_eng
Kundgebung gegen die WTO_eng
spoe besetzt_eng
Kanzler Schuessel,..._eng
ein bischen geschichte...._eng
das EKH stellt sich vor: VOLXBIBLIOTekh_eng
das EKH stellt sich vor: Flughafensozialdienst_eng
haende weg_eng
polizei impressionen_eng
soli- kundgebung_eng
postbus streik_eng
09.11. gedenkkundgebung 3_eng
09.11. gedenkkundgebung 2_eng
09.11. gedenkkundgebung 1_eng
anti- faschismus, anti- rassimus_eng
oebb streik_eng
anti- rassismus demo (1)_eng
spuren eines brandanschlages_eng
streik bei siemens_eng
Sans Papiers vs. Gewerkschaft_eng
grussbotschaft vom asf_eng
A.nanas S.ocial F.actory_eng
asf - demo vorbereitung_eng
pressekonferenz - asf_eng
austrian social forum 2_eng
austrian social forum_eng
asf eröffnung_eng
GdE - jugenddemo_eng
ÖGB - demo_eng
oegb - demo 2_eng
oegb - demo_eng
bildungsstreik, wien_eng
gesundheitsstreik, Wien_eng
bildungsstreik2, Wien_eng
Hanffeuer 6, Wien_eng
wien, kundgebung_eng
kundgebung wien_eng
strassenblockade wien_eng
opernball demo_eng
opernball demo_eng
opernball demo_eng
seit 1976_eng
Bruessel (sprechgesang)_eng
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