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ausgabe  // englisch  // 120 Min.  // 16.02.2007  // Hits: 108
g8-TV was a union of activists and media activist groups from all over Europe to cover the g8-summit in Heiligendamm. The result of this intense collaboration can be found on the common website of Subtitles of the videoclips released on this website were promptly provided in seven different languages. Furthermore a newscast of the day's events was transmitted live every evening.

Contrary to the mainstream media, g8-TV focused its coverage on the perspective of the protesters. Instead of uncritical pro-g8 journalism or riot reportings the focus of coverage on g8-TV was the sound criticism of the murderous g8 policies.

During the summit the clips were downloaded about 600.000 times from the website. We had 40.000 visitors daily. Additionally, more and more people joined our efforts during the week, contributing to g8-TV in various ways. This enormous response shows that there is a great need for alternative news coverage shared by many people.

weitere Videos: G8 in Heiligendamm 07
weitere Infos:
Team: g8-TV

Die europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur einstürzen
Gleichzeitig sehen wir jedoch auch konkrete Möglichkeiten, die sich vollziehende Einengung von Bewegungsräumen als Chance für neue Bündnisse zu begreifen, die breite gesellschaftliche Diskussionen und unerwartete Interventionen ermöglichen. Eine Verknüpfung von klassischer Antimilitarismus-, Antirepressions- und Migrationspolitik liegt jedenfalls auf der Hand.
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