15 November 2007: the biggest train strike of the postwar period starts out. The German union GDL (train operators) goes on strike, affecting passenger and freight transportation. In Berlin about 80 train employees protest against the stubborn attitude of the Deutsche Bahn (German Rail) in front of the Central Station and promote their resolute position in the negotiations. |
length: 8,20 min
| date: 16.11.2007
| video-hits: 4.613
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. A separate collective agreement is necessary, because the mutual bargaining with general German rail union TRANSNET have not succeeded in favour of the rail employees. |
length: 2,20 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 785
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. German labor union TRANSNET has promised GDL heaven and earth, but didn't fulfill anything. Because "the IPO is the ultimate ambition", goes Forchheim. |
length: 1,30 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 328
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. Since 2003 the rail staff had to go through wage cuts, because the German Rail was to be "prepared for the IPO". The result would have been, that "the colleagues had to work up to 18 more days a year without wage adjustment, that would be the reduction of a whole monthly salary!" |
length: 2,30 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 174
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. GDL was accused to have cancelled the Solidarity Group within the German Rail (DB). Forchheim argues against that: 1994 the German Rail Executive Board earned an average of 300.000 DM, today it is 2,1 millions Euro. The employees on the contrary have received a loss of real wages of 10 %. |
length: 4,01 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 302
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. It wouldn't have succeeded if the GDL had only gone on strike in regional transport. Now that there is a verdict which legalises the strike on freight transportation, the chances for the head of German Rail Mehdorn are bad. The way the GDL was attacked in public led to a resolute and battlesome ... more |
length: 2,24 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 153
4 November 2007 - Interview with Enrico Forchheim, head of the local GDL-Group of the Berlin suburban railway. "The value of the German Rail is somewhere between 150 and 200 billion Euros. If the IPO is executed, it will be sold for 20 billions. When run down after some years, the independent gentleman will remember that the responsibilty for public infrastructure is the duty of the state. Then the state has ... more |
length: 3,28 min
| date: 11.11.2007
| video-hits: 164
Berichte & Fotos von den Streiks in den einzelnen Arbeitsorten (egal welche Gewerkschaft) sowie Diskussionen dazu
Finally some damage to the national economy!
»I assume that once the next strike is on our workmates will form discussion groups in order to debate about the 'here and now'. This is how it was during the last strike, colleagues debated a lot and could not stop talking. There wasn't a moment when you were alone with your thoughts for more than five minutes.«
A striking commuter train driver
19.02.2008 hits: 4148
Sie predigen Wasser! Doch sie schlürfen Champagner!
"Nicht Bahnchef Mehdorn ist durchgeknallt. Es ist die Bundesregierung selbst, die die harte Linie vorgibt. Sie setzt Hunderte Millionen Euro an Steuergeldern ein, um den Streik zu brechen. Und um die GDL exemplarisch zu disziplinieren." (bahnstreik-soli.de)
17.11.2007 hits: 3181
Offener Brief an Mehdorn
"Ist Ihnen bekannt, dass meine famose Interessenvertretung, der mehrheitlich von der Transnet gesteuerte Gesamtbetriebsrat, mit dem Management eine Betriebsvereinbarung geschlossen hat, die es, vorbei an jeglichen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, erlaubt, Schichten mit bis zu 14 Stunden zu planen, wobei dann der AN zwei Stunden unbezahlt als „Pause" zu übernehmen hat?"
13.11.2007 hits: 5104