| 4 videoclips | comments
On Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th of April 2008, there was a call for two days of demonstration, direct action, public information, street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an anti-capitalist popular culture.Through these two days, more visibility of autonomous spaces and squats as a european/global political movement was created. further infos
kanalB.at, Filmpiraten
latest clip entry:
22-04-2008 14:13
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14 April 2008, Vienna. During the International days of action for squats and autonomous spaces a demo for the wagon place Vienna took place. After the department of building regulation defines impossible requirements the wagon place is endangered to get evicted. |
length: 3:26 min
| date: 22.04.2008
| video-hits: 2.135
On 12 April 2008, during the international days of action for squats and autonomous spaces activists celebrated a party in a tramway in Vienna. A Bimparty is a kind of festivity in public transport. Taking the motto "Conquer open spaces, all for all" it was aiming to motivate people in the tramway, by means of nice interventions, to collective action. Drinks were served and snacks offered. |
length: 0:40 min
| date: 17.04.2008
| video-hits: 1.103
On 12 April 2008 a house across from the university campus in Vienna was squatted by activists. The action took place within the international days of action for squats and autonomous spaces, but it wasn't meant to stay only in those borders. Amongst other a workshop on queer-feminist space annexion was a basis for the squatting. |
length: 4:45 min
| date: 16.04.2008
| video-hits: 3.396
10 April 2008 - Surprise Open Air Party in Erfurt. The police had announced to prohibit all undeclared events. The party took place anyhow. The cops could get tricked at least for a little while and people partied through the city. Afterwards there was a nice little spontaneous demo. Loud, colourful and multifaceted. |
length: 3 min
| date: 10.04.2008
| video-hits: 4.108
International Squatting Days
Ob wir von besetzten Häusern in Städten oder gekauftem Land, von durch Verhandlungen oder Wiederaneignung erlangtem Grund im ländlichen Raum, von in Stand gesetzten Fabriken oder selbst gebauten Gebäuden sprechen, diese Räume sind sind Zuflucht für RebellInnen, Geächtete, arme und obdachlose Leute, radikale AktivistInnen, illegalisierte ImmigrantInnen. Für uns sind diese Räume entscheidender Teil einer Bewegung für soziale Veränderung.
12.04.2008 hits: 3375
Freiraumtage 2008
Vom 11. bis 12. April 2008 werden in Deutschland und vielen anderen Ländern die decentralized days of action for squats and autonomous spaces stattfinden ( Autonomes Medienkollektiv Rhein-Neckar - de.indymedia.org).
14.02.2008 hits: 2875