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topic F13

7 videoclips2 linkscomments

F-13, make a misfortune day to an action day. A network of activists from the artistic and social range, will create a new Viennese tradition: each Friday 13th will be the day of people wich are usually speechless in our society.

further infos

team: flo
latest clip entry: 16-10-2009 12:37 number of medias in topic: 7
performances F13 Carnival
F13 Carnival
See our portrait of the subversive carnival procession on the occassion of the F13 action day - initiated by the street paper Augustin - moving through Vienna's 7th district, along with some interviews of critics who felt annoyed during their shopping tour.
length: 3:55 min  | date: 13.01.2006  | video-hits: 122
short-docu F13 - demo
F13 - demo
Vienna - during a demonstration an empty building gets occupied by activists.
length: 1,58 min  | date: 14.02.2004  | video-hits: 535
short-docu F13 - ticket control
F13 - ticket control
after many actions for a zero tariff for homeless people, refugees and other social outcasts in public traffic, the members of the Augustin thater group "11%K.Theater" controlled passengers in the Vienna subway.
every 50th person without valid ticket, gets as a present a F13-t-shirt.
length: 0,58 min  | date: 14.02.2004  | video-hits: 388
short-docu F13 - schwarzscheine
F13 - schwarzscheine
During the F13 action days the United Aliens gave out black-tickets in
the vienese underground for those who were not having a proper ticket. The United Aliens were fighting for free publical transport for everyone.
length: 1,45 min  | date: 14.02.2004  | video-hits: 264
short-docu F13 - standing without reason
F13 - standing without reason
please translate this description: der F13 Augustin-aktionstag konzentrierte sich diesmal auf kritik am
§ 78 STVO, demnach unbegruendetes stehen oder sitzen im oeffentlichen raum geahndet werden kann. die mitglieder der gruppe permanent breakfast plazierten sich daher gut sichtbar auf der Mariahilferstr, jeweils 2m von einander ... more
length: 1,24 min  | date: 14.06.2003  | video-hits: 320
short-docu F13 - standing still
F13 - standing still
"§ 78 c): on pavements and footpaths in towns it is forbidden to block the pedrestrian traffic by standing still for no reason."
in the scope of the F13 action day, a blockade takes place in the kärntnerstrasse, (Vienna), to draw the public"s attention to paragraph 78, which helps to drive homeless people, punks,...from the street.
length: 3,25 min  | date: 14.06.2003  | video-hits: 172
short-docu F13 -
F13 -
we will turn the tram into a living room, is the motto of this tram action. the challenge: the public transport vehicules have to be recognized as public spaces-trams for everyone. of course this requires free tickets.
after a short exchange with a "wiener linien" official the activists are allowed to continue their journey in another tram.
length: 2,58 min  | date: 14.06.2003  | video-hits: 145
2 links
Der Augustin Die erste oesterreichische Boulevardzeitung von Obdachlosen und Sandlern geschrieben und vertrieben.

Deserteurs- und Fluechtlingsberatung Wir bieten kostenlose Rechtsberatung in Asyl- und Fremdenrecht (Schwerpunkt Desertion und unbegleitete minderjaehrige Fluechtlinge), einen Deutschkurs, und vermitteln bei Bedarf medizinische und psychotherapeutische Betreuung fuer Menschen ohne Versicherung und bemuehen uns auch um Unterstuetzung in anderen Lebensbereichen.
Wir koennen keine finanzielle Unterstuetzung oder Unterkuenfte zur Verfuegung stellen.

Class struggle
unemployeds movement
Strike of the retail employees
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
F13 Carnival
F13 - demo
F13 - ticket control
F13 - schwarzscheine
F13 - standing without reason
F13 - standing still
F13 -
wir koennen auch anders!
schwarzfahraktion am 19. Juni treffpunkt: 12 uhr U/S-bhf Friedrichstrasse, vor dem traenenpalast. fuer die erkaempfung eines sozialtickets.
13.06.2004  hits: 3139
kurzzeitige hausbesetzung in Wien
im zuge der 'freiraum statt wien' demo- wurde um ca. 17h das hotel neubau in der neustiftgasse in wien VII reaktiviert.
14.02.2004  hits: 2478
F13 in Wien
aktionen und termine
08.02.2004  hits: 2389

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