3 april 2004, Berlin- Demonstration against social cutbacks. The spirit among the demonstrators is not very optimistic. Colleagues from the DGB tell that instead of 37,5 they have to work 39 hours per week again. Even though rights which have been fighted for are now cut back, they have an understanding for the German Chancellor, who is "probably pressured by his own people". |
length: 3 min
| date: 17.04.2004
| video-hits: 61
please translate this description: 3.4.2004 - Berlin, demonstration gegen den sozialabbau. gewerkschaftsmitglieder tragen schilder mit der seltsam anmutenden aufschrift "modell deutschland". dabei gibt es einiges zu beklagen, etwa 45% arbeitslosigkeit in Premnitz und die mangelnde gleichstellung der arbeitnehmerInnen ist ost und west. |
length: 1,5 min
| date: 16.04.2004
| video-hits: 78
3.4.04, Berlin: 250.000 people are on the streets to protest against social cuttings. a view impressions. |
length: 3,20 min
| date: 15.04.2004
| video-hits: 77
please translate this description: Berlin-Mitte, 3.4.2004 - europaeischer aktionstag gegen sozialabbau -
WIR WOLLEN ALLES!-block mit 1000 leuten auf der demo gegen sozialabbau mit 250.000 teilnehmerInnen. eine rednerin des aktionsbuendnisses ACT! erklaert mit bezug auf das DGB-motto: "auftsehn muss heissen: kollektive soziale ... more |
length: 4:25 min
| date: 14.04.2004
| video-hits: 159
berlin-mitte, 3.april.2004 - european action day - Peter Melder of the group felS (fuer eine linke Stroemung) tells about the squatting of a house in the Oranienburger Str.18 by demonstrators. this action aimed on building up pressure for a social center which the Berlin socialforum has been demanding now for a while. when the police arrives, the squatters leave the house unnoticed. |
length: 3:40 min
| date: 13.04.2004
| video-hits: 1.011
Berlin 3. apr 2004, european actiondays against the social cuts - although it has been the biggest demonstration against social cuts in the history of Germany some questions concerning resistance stayed open. |
length: 4 min
| date: 04.04.2004
| video-hits: 64
and unemployment. Some comments from existing and shut down companies. |
length: 3,5 min
| date: 04.04.2004
| video-hits: 177
unser standard
Holger Burner slamt fuer streiken am dienstag statt demonstrieren am montag. mp3 auf der laborB seite
28.05.2005 hits: 9895