Copenhagen 16 December 2009. Several groups move towards the Bella center, where the Climate Summit is held....a summary....
...For more Infos see clips "Remain Power" Part 1 + 2 |
length: 2:30 min
| date: 18.12.2009
| video-hits: 3.477
Copenhagen, 16 December 2009. More than 1000 protesters gather at Turnby Station. They are forming the "Blue Block", one of several blocks with the objective of storming the Bella Centre. Delegates from organisations of the South like Via Campesina and JubeeSouth are walking ahead. |
length: 2:45 min
| date: 18.12.2009
| video-hits: 2.030
Copenhagen, 16 December 2009. Over 2000 people are reaching the Bella Centre. They are stopped at the bolted entrance area. The police is unnecessarily violent. Participants from inside the Bella Centre plan to join the protesters outside at 12 pm. But they are not being let out. So the scheduled plenum takes place in front of the closed up Centre, and real climatically and socially just solutions are ... more |
length: 4:10 min
| date: 18.12.2009
| video-hits: 1.379
Feministische Performance during the „Reclaim the Power March to the Bella Center“ 16.12.2009, Kopenhagen. |
length: 1:20 min
| date: 17.12.2009
| video-hits: 433
Interviews on the „Reclaim the Power!“ Demonstration at COP15 convention centre
Copenhagen 16 December 2009
Chelsea from the USA |
length: 3:50 min
| date: 17.12.2009
| video-hits: 405
Interviews at the „Reclaim the Power!“ Demonstration to the COP15
Copenhagen 16.12.2009
Glen from filipina |
length: 3:00 min
| date: 17.12.2009
| video-hits: 320
Interviews at the „Reclaim the Power!“ Demonstration to the COP15
Copenhagen 16.12.2009
Bettina from Mexico |
length: 3:20 min
| date: 17.12.2009
| video-hits: 154
Interviews at the „Reclaim the Power!“ Demonstration to the COP15
Copenhagen 16.12.2009
farmer from Mexico |
length: 3:00 min
| date: 17.12.2009
| video-hits: 98
Three Interviews at the „No Borders – Against Refugies“ Demonstration 14 Dezember 2009 |
length: 3:20 min
| date: 15.12.2009
| video-hits: 615
Copenhagen, 14 Dec 2009 - The Climate Crisis is the newest excuse for the governments to massively suppress migration into the North or West. At the same moment these governments support the corporations who have mainly caused the Climate Crisis, which is often just the cause for people to migrate. For these reasons a demonstration is held heading towards the Ministry of Defense, because it is the most ... more |
length: 6:45 min
| date: 14.12.2009
| video-hits: 2.783
Feminist Environmentalisms Michelle Garvey
Interview with one of the speakers at the Climate Forum talking about Feminist Environmentalisms in the US. |
length: 7:17 min
| date: 14.12.2009
| video-hits: 257
please translate this description: Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten in Kuba
Interview mit Roberto, Permakultur Aktivist
Klimaforum – Dem Basis-Gegengipfel
Roberto hat am 13.12.2009 auf dem Basis-Gegengipfel „Klimaforum“ einen von hundertern von Vorträgen gegeben die konkrete Alternativen und ... more |
length: 6:20 min
| date: 14.12.2009
| video-hits: 215
Copenhagen, 13 Dec 2009 - Demonstration to call attention to overproduction, mass consumption and greenhouse gases. The target is the port of Copenhagen, because the global ocean fright is a key element of the industriell system which is itself based on the thriftless usage of fossile fuels. It is the aim to point out that the real problem is the way of production in our society.
Even though there are ... more |
length: 3:20 min
| date: 13.12.2009
| video-hits: 2.094
To our big surprise a big carnival parade took place today in Copenhagen. |
length: 1:40 min
| date: 13.12.2009
| video-hits: 803
Survivor Ball
Finally, a feasible idea how to survive climate change!
Inside the survivor ball you are able to survive climate change for another month.
Unfortunately it is not a solution for all people but at least for the rich. |
length: 1:40 min
| date: 13.12.2009
| video-hits: 406
Copenhagen 11 Dec 2009 - Vattenfall, Siemens and Coca-Cola are hosting a Greenwashing-Festival under the motto "Hopenhagen". But employees of Coca-Cola can't resist the pressure and denounce both themselves and the corporation. They even appeal to "Never drink Coca-Cola again!" |
length: 3:00 min
| date: 13.12.2009
| video-hits: 1.472
Copenhagen, 12 Dec 2009 - 30.000 people gather in front of the Climate Forum to symbolically flood the summit. From there they move to the Parliament of Denmark. The demonstration is organised by Friends of the Earth and carries the motto "The flood is coming". |
length: 2:50 min
| date: 13.12.2009
| video-hits: 418
Kopenhagen 11 Dec 2009
Anti-corporate day, Don't buy the lie!
Several hundreds of people gather in the inner city at Nytorv Square. Accompanied by drum rhythms the crowd moves on to Vesterport Station. The police stops the demonstration and demands its liquidation. At first the atmosphere of the demo stays calm. Later on people split up and little troups move on through the city for ... more |
length: 1:45 min
| date: 11.12.2009
| video-hits: 1.437
Interviews with people on the streets of Berlin about their opinion on the climate change. |
length: 3:34 min
| date: 06.12.2009
| video-hits: 332
please translate this description: Interview mit Mona Bricke von Gegenstrom über die Rolle der Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen für den Klimaschutz.
[...]die Idee ist, dass allerspätestens jetzt in Kopenhagen ein neues Protokoll verabschiedet werden müsste, wo dann auch die Schwellenländer wie China und Indien sozusagen ... more |
length: 2:56 min
| date: 06.12.2009
| video-hits: 167
NSA-Skandal: USA spionierten Klimagipfel aus - und profitierten
Vor knapp vier Jahren blicke die Welt nach Kopenhagen (COP 15). Dort sollte ein neues Klimaschutzabkommen ausgehandelt werden. Doch der Gipfel scheiterte, offenbar auch, weil die USA die Teilnehmer und Gastgeber ausspioniert hatten. (heise.de)
31.01.2014 hits: 5845