| 22 videoclips | 16 links | comments
from the 28th may to the 3rd june, protests against the meeting of the G8 in Evian (at Lake Geneva) are taking place. police has to protect the delegates against up to 300,00 protestors who are determined to stop the meeting due to the unyielding behaviour of the authorities and the fact that G.W. Bush is participating.
latest clip entry:
15-02-2006 16:36
number of medias in topic:
please translate this description: Am 1. Juni 2003 blockierten AktivistInnen die Autobahn Genf-Lausanne, um die Anreise von Deligierten zum G8- Gipfels zu versperren. Martin Shaw und Gesine Wenzel seilen sich durch ein Kletterseil miteinander verbunden, von beiden Seiten der Aubonne- Brücke ab. Sie agieren als ... more |
length: 8,16 min
| date: 15.02.2006
| video-hits: 2.072
undercoverpolice in riot-outfit raids the independent media center in usine / geneva. |
length: 2,24 min
| date: 01.06.2003
| video-hits: 1.649
g8-art - impressions |
length: 0,25 min
| date: 01.06.2003
| video-hits: 328
the fotojournalist is being wounded by a shockgranade |
length: 0,30 min
| date: 01.06.2003
| video-hits: 1.719
after the big demonstration with 100.000 participants a 2 hour riot starts in the centre of Geneva. barricades are build and a finance office is being attacked. the police responds with rubber bullets and teargas. activists are singing a song for the police. |
length: 5,15 min
| date: 01.06.2003
| video-hits: 2.636
Some Impressions from the demonstration wich started in Annemasse (France) and ended in Geneva (Switzerland). |
length: 11,2 min
| date: 01.06.2003
| video-hits: 319
impressions of the city. a private security man: "i am here because of the g8. i hate it, but at least it"s a job" |
length: 0,40 min
| date: 31.05.2003
| video-hits: 216
activist is talking about organisation and planned actions. a demo viewer of amnesty international talks about his role and expactations. a "peace-keeper" explains his mission. |
length: 6,44 min
| date: 31.05.2003
| video-hits: 624
31.5.03 activist tells about one of the issues of the counter summit, the debts: " we are here to discuss, who the unbearable and unsupportable debts of the poor countries are being used by the rich countries by the IMF and worldbank to control the policies of the poor countries..." |
length: 2,24 min
| date: 31.05.2003
| video-hits: 122
31.5.03. counter-summit in the university of geneva:
activist criticizes the new war-order |
length: 2,45 min
| date: 31.05.2003
| video-hits: 137
interview with 2 exhausted aktivists after the swiss police fired teargas unexpectedly at a to this time peaceful demo in front of the International Organisation of Migration in the UN-quarter in geneva "that was not nice!" |
length: 1,50 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 355
german black -block activist tells his reason why he hates the g8, his comrades show how to do it. |
length: 1,30 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 3.003
the bike caravan arrives. schweizerdeutscher hiphop to be heard. a cultural movement is finding together. |
length: 3 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 200
impressions and speeches of the first demo in geneva against the WTO, IMO and WIPO " ... we need an army of ideas that can bring down this regime of intelectual control ..."
a few windows are broken in a shell gas station. |
length: 2,36 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 275
pink-silver activist talks about the reason of the demo: WTO and IOM |
length: 3,00 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 344
bicycle.caravane meeting demo at the nestle.headquarter in vevey near lausanne... |
length: 2,30 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 216
austrian social forum participants sending greetings to evian.
"while we are here discussing, you are on the streets" |
length: 3,16 min
| date: 30.05.2003
| video-hits: 220
people in geneva are bording up their windows. german activists arrive and are transported to anemasse. |
length: 4 min
| date: 29.05.2003
| video-hits: 305
activists talk about their reasons to oppose the g8 |
length: 4,38 min
| date: 29.05.2003
| video-hits: 279
activists speak about their plans for actions against the g8 |
length: 4,25 min
| date: 29.05.2003
| video-hits: 379
video - genf
das antikapitalistische camp in Anemasse und das verrammelte Genf (45 sec, windows media format)
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Live Radio Streams Online
from Evian G8 aus Lausanne und Genf
lausanne: http://radio.uk1.indymedia.org:8100/lausanne.mp3
genf: http://radio.uk1.indymedia.org:8100/geneve.mp3
winamp >> add url und dann einen der beiden links reinkopieren.
video live stream
a temporary autonomous TV project during the days around the G-8 summit in Evian. It will cover the mass protests and blockades in the area of the Lac Leman in Switzerland
weiter karten
von groesseren staedten und der naeheren umgebung des G8-treffens
indymedia deutschland
multimediales netzwerk unabhängiger und alternativer medien, medienmacherInnen, engagierter einzelpersonen und gruppen. es bietet offene, nichtkommerzielle berichterstattung, raum für diskussionen sowie hintergrundinformationen zu aktuellen sozialen und politischen themen
Für die Armen gibt es weniger Geld
Die Entwicklungshilfegelder der reichen Länder sinken, obgleich 2005 auf dem G-8-Gipfel anderes versprochen wurde (telepolis.de - Florian Rötzer)
06.04.2008 hits: 4094
Herzog Blaubarts burg
vom verschwindenlassen des rechts auf entwicklung (Toni Solo - Znet)
26.08.2004 hits: 11326
audio - der gepluenderte sueden
>> ... die geschichte zeigt, dass der sueden immer nur ein instrument des nordens war, die eigene wirtschaftliche entwicklung voranzutreiben. wenn es im sueden dennoch gelegentlich zu gewissen fortschritten kam, so waren sie meist das ergebniss des widerstands gegen diese politik des nordens.<< ( von Yash Tandon ca 6 MB Znet)
31.05.2004 hits: 8640
g8 evian:
01.06 21:25 medienzentrum in genf von polizei gestuermmt - detailierter bericht und audiofiles
01.06.2003 hits: 2085
fotos blockade genf
die anreise der g8-deligierten sollte verhindert werden
01.06.2003 hits: 2083
Wellcome to Geneva
das ereignis laesst eine ganze region dem wahnsinn verfallen.
29.05.2003 hits: 2074
Neuste News
aus dem Camp in Lausanne
29.05.2003 hits: 2114
neues aus den bergen
der G8-Gipfel in Evian rueckt naeher und die vorbereitungen sind voll im gange
23.05.2003 hits: 2133
G8 Evian:
Update zur Situation
15.05.2003 hits: 2321