Vienna - approx 150 people gathered at the Ballhausplatz to show their solidarity with the striking railway people, however, as the person who had declared the demo was missing and nobody really knew what to do next, the people dispersed after an hour. |
length: 1,13 min
| date: 13.11.2003
| video-hits: 94
Vienna - the workers of the striking Postbus AG drive to the meeting of the central strike commitee with their works council, to show their solidarity with the striking railway people. |
length: 1,46 min
| date: 12.11.2003
| video-hits: 94
5 hours before the railway company starts |
length: 1,39 min
| date: 11.11.2003
| video-hits: 181
the 4th november 2003 in Austria begins with a 12 hr warning strike against the destruction of the OEBB and the legal intervention in existing employment contracts. |
length: 2,43 min
| date: 04.11.2003
| video-hits: 72
Streik der EisenbahnerInnen
12- stündiger Warnstreik gegen die Zerschlagung der ÖBB und den gesetzlichen Eingriff in bestehende Dienstverträge auf.
04.11.2003 hits: 1829
Bahn droht unbefristeter Streik
Gewerkschaft hält Ausweitung des Konflikts für vorprogrammiert - Rechtsgutachten: Dienstrechtsreform verfassungswidrig (dS)
20.10.2003 hits: 1650