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austrian airlines strike

3 videoclips1 linkcomments

according to the manager of Austrian Airlines, the airline staff are to work more and have their salary cut by 30%. here you can find clips with pilots and oegb president verzetnitsch, supporting the ... more

short-docu Austrian Airlines strike 3
Austrian Airlines strike 3
a pilot reports about the conditions at Austrian Airlines, "they have been trying to blackmail us for one and a half years" [...]it doesn"t matter to me whether I am fired tomorrow or in 3 or 4 months [...] thats why we have decided to stand up and defend ourselves!"
length: 3,19 min  | date: 15.10.2003  | video-hits: 257
short-docu Austrian Airlines strike 2
Austrian Airlines strike 2
according to the manger, the airline staff at Austrian Airlines should work more and earn 30% less. despite a mass media frenzy and several attempts by the management to intimidate them, the pilots and flights attendants decided to strike....
length: 2,15 min  | date: 15.10.2003  | video-hits: 224
short-docu Austrian Airlines strike
Austrian Airlines strike
whilst the AUA- onboard personnel strike for their rights, ground staff collect 1600 signatures against the strike. OEGB-president Fritz Verzetnitsch recieves a delegation of stiking pilots at the OEGB congress and goes behind the strikers backs, by not clearly being on their side.
Sonja Grusch explains why the development for fighting and democratic unions is necessary...
length: 3,06 min  | date: 15.10.2003  | video-hits: 317
1 link
das internetforum des betriebsrat bord von austrian airlines

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Austrian Airlines strike 3
Austrian Airlines strike 2
Austrian Airlines strike
"Es wird ein neues Sparpaket verhandelt"
Bawag-Vorstandschef und AUA-Aufsichtsrat Zwettler hofft auf "endgültigen Frieden" - Banken: AUA "absolut nicht existenzgefährdet" (dS)
18.10.2003  hits: 1551
Streik bei den Austrian Airlines
Der 4-köpfige Vorstand, die zu den reichsten Menschen Österreichs zählen und sich kürzlich selbst 2 Mio. ? Prämie auzahlen liessen, haben den ArbeiterInnen über das Gericht des Staates Österreich die Betriebsversammlung untersagen lassen... (
12.10.2003  hits: 1851

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